The Cathedral Parish of St Dunstan's

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A Christian responsibility to society has always been regarded as fundamental to the mission of the Church.

It is to express God’s love in a practical way in our local community through outreach projects
and events that will impact and transform lives.
Matthew 5:13-16

We aim to help disadvantaged individuals and families facing challenges through practical projects
and to influence change in the negative values and belief systems pervading society at large.

The gospel of Jesus Christ can be summed up neatly in a single sentence -

"Go into all the world and be examples of God's love"

Social responsibility seeks to do just that, by meeting the needs of the less fortunate around us
and providing opportunities for people to discover how to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.


The former Dean of the Cathedral, The Very Reverend William J Mostert,
with blankets donated by Rotary, Benoni, 2012
which will be distributed to one of our local parishes

9 committee members
+-20 volunteers - bread collectors and soup kitchen helpers

We run 4 soup kitchens
cathedral - every wed 4pm - feed +- 40-60 people and ten loaves sandwiches to clinic
Etwatwa - feeds approx 150 families twice a week
Daveyton - feeds +- 85 families twice a week
Actonville - 20-40 people twice a week
We put together approx 35 food parcels monthly for support a child and needy families
We get damaged goods from Oakfields pick and pay and checkers greenstone
We also collect and redistribute second hand clothing
also hand out toys and food parcels over December


Support-a-Child project  
22 children are supported in this project.
Parishioners donate R100 a month which goes towards buying them food parcels.


Salvation Army
We donate R1000 every quarter, as well as toiletries and blankets to this cause .
We receive vegetables, bread and bones (at a reduced price) for our soup kitchens.

In 2011 we donated R30 000 to the Salvation Army for refurbishing two rooms for the destitute.
One room will be known as the Pat Greenslade Room and the other the St Dustan's Room.


Janai Children's Home
This children's home in Fairleads houses 22 orphans between the ages of 4 and 18.
They are looked after by a house mother.
We donate groceries every month.


Cathedral Feeding Scheme
Every Wednesday afternoon we serve sandwiches and soup (during the winter months)
from the cathedral grounds to about 25 destitute people.
We also do a bread collection at the two services on the last Sunday of the month.


Benoni clinic
Every Wednesday we deliver soup (in winter) and sandwiches to the clinic.
We spend R500 a month on supplies like baby formula and nappies etc.


We give the retired clergy a monetary donation twice a year.

We donate R1 000 to Hospice every year.


We make up food parcels for the needy within the Cathedral parish.